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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  February 25, 2013 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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developing news tonight. the major police action underway right now, and what we've learned about the reason for this operation. good evening, everyone. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. a major law enforcement action is underway at this hour in east oakland. we're told it involves a homicide case and the fbi is involved. we get this developing news now from ktvu's amber lee. she is live near 88th and birch. >> reporter: it is a very active scene out here.
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i can hear the helicopters buzzing above me, and in less than half an hour ago, we heard a loud bang go off, down the street. an officer told me, officers fired bean bags against the door of a home as a warning. as you can see, a police tactical van is lit up. it appears s.w.a.t. team members are strategizing. >> reporter: we learned this operation started at 4:00 this afternoon and police are searching a home. alameda county sheriff's bomb squad, and a highway patrol serving a search warrant. officers set up a perimeter that stretches for several blocks. one woman nearby told us her 16- year-old son is among a dozen people detained by police for a homicide that took place a few days ago. she questions why police didn't contact her after they detained her son, who's a minor.
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we saw police question at least three people, and officers say items were removed from the home. members of the s.w.a.t. team were on scene. i was told the fbi has been called to insist in this operation. police have been tight lipped about the investigation. i contacted only oakland's police chief. back here live, we can see that the police have used a robot to go into the home down there. and they said the robot indicated no one was inside. now officers are using dogs to go on the ground and search for suspects. that is the latest from here. if we have more during the newscast, we will of course bring you an update. reporting live in east oakland, amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. police in west sacramento say one of their own is behind bars tonight, accused of sexually assaulting six women while on duty. 37-year-old sergio alvarez is currently in custody at the
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yolo county jail. he's now being held on a $26 million bond. alvarez has been indicted for the alleged sexual assault of six women, ages 20 to 47. police say alvarez used his position as an officer so stop and assault those women. a bomb scare in petaluma shut down parts of eli boulevard. the landlord called police about 2:00 p.m., and they called in the county bomb squad andthy identified the device as an artillery shell from world war i. a team safely removed the shell. a few neighbors were evacuated during the investigation. now to our continues coverage of the coast guard search, for two young children presumed missing after a mayday call from a sail boat taking on water. the coast guard said it had boats and planes searching off
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the coast of monterey. ken wayne is live now where the search is being coordinated tonight, and the coast guard says it is not ready to give up. >> reporter: julie, four helicopters and two airplanes ended their aerial search tonight, but the coast guard still has three cutters in the water off monterey, trying to find any sign of the missing sail boat and the four people who were aboard. >> we are abandoning ship. >> reporter: that was the last call from the 29-foot sail boat charm blow yesterday afternoon. >> we still think there is somebody in actual distress. four people actually in distress, so that's why we're throwing all of these assets at it. >> reporter: the coast guard says, even though it there are no other reports of a missing boat, and they haven't been able to trace the boat with the name charm blow, there is no evidence the radio call is a
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hoax. a navy e2 hawkeye from port lagoo joined in the search today. >> you don't have to be out of sight of land to drown. the ocean can be a dangerous place. every place is a dangerous place. >> reporter: he sells custom sails and other boating equipment from this shop in alameda. he says there are no regulations requiring boaters to file what is known as a float plan, or carry an inexpensive beacon. but it's a good idea. >> what it becomes activated by water, it starts transmitting. >> reporter: the coast guard says there was no life raft, or survival suits. one of the last messages from the boat said they are trying to fashion a raft out of an ice chest and life rings. >> they may have been able to build that makeshift raft. that would increase their chances. >> reporter: those three
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cutters will continue their search all night long. at first light, more aircraft will be resuming their aerial search in the hopes of finding those people alive. ken wayne, ktvu, channel 2 news. police in las vegas say they have widened their search for an ex-convict blamed for a shooting. police identified anmar harris as the gunman. police say harris gunned down 27-year-old kenneth cherry jr. last thursday and cherry was driving his maserati on the vegas strip. it crashed into a taxi, burst into flames. the clock is ticking on
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capitol hill if congress doesn't act by thursday at midnight billions of dollars in federal spending cuts will automatically kick in. today, president obama spoke to the nation's governors, asking them to urge their representatives to sit down and compromise to head off the sequester cuts. but no talks are scheduled at this time. the president is scheduled to visit a virginia ship building company tomorrow. he plans to show how defense cuts will affect local economies. republicans pushed back today, accusing the president of using scare tactics to push through his agenda. the looming spending cuts could deal a major blow to the economy in california. as ken pritchett reports, the impact could be felt from the military bases to kindergarten classes. >> reporter: today, in sacramento, 28 senators unanimously agreed that's rare. on a resolution that it should be avoided. >> we're veer concerned at the
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state -- very concerned at the state capitol. the members of congress needs to get it together. >> reporter: saying inaction will lead to slower growth for california. >> in terms of practical impacts, we expect there will be cuts that will ripple generally through the economy. >> reporter: federal cuts could amount to $4 billion for the california economy. the military in our state could lose $70 million with more than 60,000 civilian employees furloughed. law enforcement funding could be reduced, such as to the fbi. and k through 12 schools could lose $85 million, and 1200 school jobs, for starters. >> currently right now, the white house has estimated california will take about 70 $70 million cut in special education. >> reporter: it will affect title 1 programs, which help
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the neediest children. >> san francisco is looking potentially at a $4 million hit. alameda county, for the whole county, we're talking about $28 million. >> reporter: one problem for school districts, how to plan their budgets, because these cuts could be less if congress acts soon after the deadline, or more in the long term, because we could face this deadline year after year. ken pritchett, ktvu, channel 2 news. more details now, homeland security secretary says if imports are slow there will be delays for exports. one truck driver told us any sort of delay is like a shut down for port commerce. the owners of a marin oyster farm is celebrating a victory.
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it can continue to operate while an appeal's court considers its e investigation. the farm leases federal land. back in november, the secretary of the interior said he would not renew that lease. the oyster farm's challenge is set to be heard in may. a new and exclusive ktvu field poll shows most californians favor gun controls over gun owner rights. 34% say protecting the rights of gun owners is more important. this question divides democrats and republicans. 80% of democrats favor gun control, and 65% of republicans side with the protection of gun owners. the field poll also found 28% of california voters think specially trained teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons in school. 68% are opposed to that idea. more women than men were against this idea.
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on wall street, the markets took a nosedive. the dow industrials fell 216 points with the bulk of that drop coming in the last hour of trading. the nasdaq was off 45 points. news from italy is what moved the markets. early voting results there suggest gridlock in parliament. the lower house is leaning toward the center left party. and the upper house is leaning toward the center right party. a divided parliament means little could get down to address italy's austerity measures or enormous debt. i'm standing in the heart of san francisco, what some say needs to go in order to keep this urban forest healthy. >> cycling in south america, until they dropped off the grid. coming up, the last
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in the heart of the city behind ucsf, there is an urban forest filled with trees, some over 200 feet tall. noah walker tells us why tens of thousands of these trees could be cut down. >> reporter: frank, it's my first time to this place, it's a beautiful area.
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this manmade forest was planted more than 100 years ago. ucsf, which owns the property says some unnatural growth poses a fire hazard and other potential risks. there are a few places you can leave the city behind, and still be in the city. >> that's the most magic part about it. >> reporter: you can hike without seeing another single soul. 61acres of tall trees, and lush undergrowth. a plant population as diverse as the city. maybe too diverse. ucsf is proposing removal of up to 30,000 nonnative trees, like eucalyptus. >> our friends, the eucalyptus trees have ways of multiplying. >> you're just allowing us to
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talk to a wall. >> reporter: speakers had mixed reviews of uc's forest management plan. >> i'm not a native. perhaps i should go. the buildings aren't native. perhaps they should go. >> it is baffling how ucsf can treat a dynamic and healthy forest like garbage. >> please consider if you're looking to save a forest, or keep people out of your backyard. >> reporter: now there are still a few steps left in this process. but if they approve its management plan, they would start with four test areas, and start doing work sometime between the end of summer and the beginning of fall. they have a small window. police say they stopped
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hammer, who's birth name is stanley morell because his car had expired registration. they said he initially refused to get out of the car. police arrested him for an instructing, and resisting an officer. over the weekend, the singer tweeted that the officer first asked him if he was on parole, or probation, insinuating this was a case of racial pro feeling. he has had no other public run ins with the law. he called the arrest a teachable moment. walnut creek police are looking for a vandal who has been damaging property. they say the man has caused about $10,000 worth of damage in the broadway plaza area. he apparently has struck several times. a major shakeup in the british roman catholic church today as the most senior cleric. cardinal keith o'brien announced his resignation. the news comes one day after
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the cardinal was accused of inappropriate acts with priests dating back to the 1980s, last week, he made news when he suggested the church abandon its insistence on priests taking a vow of celibacy. he says he does not want to become a distraction. cardinal william lavedo responded today to calls for a controversial cardinal from los angeles to be prohibited from participating in that conclave. he was stripped of public duties due to allegations that he covered up sexual abuse by clergy. he says cardinal mahoney should be allowed to take part in the selection process. >> we have to do our job. as we see it he is the first one it to apologize the errors he made. >> last week, almost 10,000
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catholics signed a petition, asking cardinal mahoney to recluse himself from the conclave. he will join more than 100 cardinals on thursday, to begin the historical process of choosing a new pope. students at city college of san francisco say they're still at odds with keeping its accreditation. students say they want more input in town hall meetings over proposed cuts. administration said they would consider it. city college is supposed to present accreditation plans by march 15, and students plan a rally the day before. concern is growing for a bay area couple on a bicycling trip in south america. they haven't been heard in weeks. rieltives are following the couple's financial transactions. >> reporter: this is the first photo they posted of themselves
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on their bicycle trip. >> we first, we must go to lima. we do not want to stay there long. >> reporter: his family's living room has been transformed into an information gathering headquarters. >> somebody knows where he is right now. and i want to hear from him. >> reporter: the family says garret and jamie traveled to lima, where they were seen on january 26. the family says peruvian authorities said the witnesses found them in a town well north of lima. >> our family just wants them to come home safely, we haven't heard from them. >> reporter: troubling to the family, no cash transactions since late january. the state department emailed us that quote peruvian authorities
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provided all all assurances they would do everything they could to locate this couple. >> they wanted to go to places they went. >> reporter: the u.s. embassy crew has issued warnings about kidnapping threats in the bike shop where jamie neil works has raised $4,000 for information leading to the couple's safe return. ktvu, channel 2 news. there's a nice looking weather system out there, but it's going to head to the north. it looks good, but as we watch, it's going to go straight up into the pacific northwest. we stay dry and warm up. not tonight know, it's going to be chilly overnight. napa is 41. 43 in santa rosa. your overnight low forecast, a lot like last night, look for patchy frost in the morning. and coastal fog has been patchy as well. as you go into tuesday morning, here's the numbers you can expect. 33 in santa rosa. 40 in vallejo. 46 in pacifica. a lot of these numbers will get
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you a little bit of frost on the lawn, wind shield as well. when i come back we need rain. we will also do your forecast highs. it's going to warm up to near 70 this week. the tunnel project on double slide is set to open soon. the twin mile long tunnels are undergoing final safety tests this week. the tunnels will replace a section of highway 1 near pacifica, known for land slides. the $439 million project will connect two bridges, 125 feet high, and 1,000 feet long. they ask for money and hope for your generosity. coming up in 10 minutes, our ktvu special report. we investigate people collecting donations. is it really going to charity? >> 11 members, but not a single mother. the new push
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firefighters in oakland say an apartment fire sustained smoke damage this weekend, and is no longer inhabitable. firefighters were called to emerson street around 6:30 this evening. they say they found a fire burning in the kitchen of one unit. it took just over five minutes to put out that fire, but the smoke damage was bad enough, the apartment should not be lived in. no one was hurt. when we last checked, the exact cause of the fire had not been determined. new at 10:00, a vallejo couple who made a valentine's day trip to san francisco found more than romance, they found a lot of money. they found a black camera bag near the golden gate bridge parking lot. when they opened that, they found a lot of money. >> i digged more in the bag and
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envelopes, 100, it was $100 bills, but there was 10,000. >> actually, the bag contained a total of $11,060. they turned the bag and the money over to police, who tracked down the owner. it happened to be a chinese tourist. the landeros didn't get a reward, but the owner did promise to show them around china if they visit there. there is a push underway to put a mom in that seat. heather holmes is live now in the city's sunset district to tell us who is applying the mommy pressure. >> reporter: julie, it's a top official with the san francisco democratic party. she drafted this resolution, urging the mayor to select a mother. a woman who may spend lots of time here at the playground, or library, but who can also bring
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a unique voice. sunset residents will soon be finding out who will be fighting for them. the district for position became available last month, mayor lee selected carmen sue to special reporter. since then there's been a lot of political intrigue over her replacement. she says the appointment could help stop the exodus of families. >> i think that a mother's voice on the board of supervisors would probably lead to more family friendly policies, legislation that would make it easier for families to stay in san francisco. >> reporter: the 11 member board is a diverse group with 7 men and 4 women. including asian american, african american, white, latino, and gay supervisors. there is one thing missing. a mother. >> there could be a lot of characteristics that one could say is underrepresented, and moms being one of them. >> reporter: the mayor told us last week, he appreciated the idea of the mommy resolution,
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but said he won't be boxed in. >> there's a lot of characteristics, but i'm looking at the best person for the district. >> reporter: the mayor did mention in these time commitment, the position requires. >> somebody that is going to be devoting a lot of their personal time on the weekends. >> reporter: a fellow mother would be a good representative of this highly residential district made up mostly of families. >> at least it would be a different perspective. >> reporter: the mayor is very close to announcing his decision. it may just come before this resolution is voted on, on wednesday night. reporting live tonight in san francisco, heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. ♪ [ music ] they ask for your money. but they've run from our cameras. rita williams investigates where mone hello?
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with scottish music, and a lot of applause, directors mark andrews, and brendan chapman accepted the academy award last night for best animated film. brave is the story of a scottish princess who challenges traditions. today, the directors brought home the oscars to share with everyone at pixar studios in emeryville. it pushed the technological boundaries. pixar spent six years making the film, and went to great length to make the main character's signature red hair look real. >> nobody flinches. they love that, pushing the envelope of what we can do in
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this medium. >> brave is pixar's seventh oscar in the best animated feature category. a new directive from the top at yahoo as a memo goes out that the days of working from home are coming to an end. it is a move linked to ceo marissa mayor saying yahoo needs a more collaborative nature. one man who is not employeed by yahoo, but does work at home, sees problems with this new plan. >> youhave their kids, daycare issues. there's going to be some uproar about it. >> one tech analyst says the move may work for yahoo overall. he says bringing everyone into the office could help revive the company. the stock had been trading near its 52 week high. in our special report tonight we have a new twist in
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what appears to be a scam we first told you about last november. people setting up collection boxes outside stores saying they're raising money for charities. finding the alleged scams are back and police are doing little to stop them. >> reporter: this story begins where the last one ends. >> do you feel bad that you're collecting under false pretensions? if you're legitimate, why are you running away? >> reporter: with a woman called called dee high tailing it when we confronted her. that the rosalee house she was collecting money for outside a san jose target store every day for years was bogus. that woman who doesn't want to be identified, says she knows dee and her partner, willie
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mcmillan. she says our story shut them down during the lucrative holiday. as soon as rosalie house shut down, hope and help sprung up. last november, hope and help applied to the irs for an employee id number. three weeks later, they also got this san jose business license, with jamal akin's name on it. the sign says it's for home the women and children. he admitted for now -- >> it's been helping me get a room. at one of the motels. >> reporter: anyone who works for him he says, gets to keep 50% of what they collect to pay for a motel room. >> who gets the other 50%? >> we put it into the organization, you know? >> where is the organization? >> this is the organization. >> reporter: still another group setting up for a prime
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morning spot gave this name for its location. we asked a front desk clerk. >> have you ever heard of that charity? >> no. >> reporter: all of these folks say they got their start at the same place, building a solid foundation in oakland, and say they now use the business model they learned there. the person collecting takes 50% of what he or she takes in. the organization keeps the rest. not so, says its founder. >> people get 50%? >> no ma'am. do you guys get 50%? >> these guys volunteer their time. amen. >> reporter: building a solid foundation that is tax exempt, is advanced to transport the volunteers to stores all over the bay area. the been around a decade. this woman says she worked there. >> it's fraud. it's wrong. you are stealing from people.
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that's why i left. >> totally legitimate. >> totally legitimate. >> reporter: as you see here, those collecting don't worry about arrest from fraud. >> where is the shelter? >> the amount of money involved may be so small that the regulators are focused on the bigger actors. all of these little actors can add up, and waste a lot of charitable dollars. >> reporter: his advice, be skeptical. don't be a sucker. do what the collectors did to us. run, walk, just don't give. >> there are some websites where you can verify if a charity is legitimate. that's how we found a legitimate rosalie house in san francisco and the other rosalie house in san jose.
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we poeed a link to the california attorney generals website. just look for the special reports tab. former surgeon general, c edward coop, died today at the age of 96. when coop was nominated in 1981, critics worried the evangelical christian would push his conservative views in the public realm. but coop advocated for the use of condoms to stop the spread of hiv and called for compassion for those with hiv and a.i.d.s. he sounded the alarm on the dangers of second hand spoke. >> just by his pulpit approach to two of the great killers in this world, tobacco and hiv, i'd believe he's responsible for saving many, many, many lives. countless. >> reporter: he also said his personal views and politics had
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no place in making public health policy. europe's horse meat scandal gets bigger. in news of the world, what ikea is saying about its famous meatball. >> bill martin is well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse.
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we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot, even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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developing news from walnut creek tonight, where five people suffered smoke inhalation. officials tell us, the one alarm fire was started by a pot on a stove. an elderly woman had to be taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. we're told the operator of the home is trying to make arrangements for the residents to be taken to other homes.
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more developing news now, we're going to take you back to east oakland. amber lee is live at 88th and birch to tell us what she just learned about this operation. >> reporter: we're now entering the seventh hour of this massive police operation. within the last half hour, i've learned that 14 people have now been detained for questioning, and this investigation, according to police sources stemming from two groups police say are responsible for homicide. police are in the process of using k-9 units to search for the suspect. that is the latest from here. thank you. for the second time in a week, a blizzard is taking a toll on much of the midwest. only this time, the snow is falling as far south as texas. causing white out conditions. in some cases, plows have been
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forced off the highway. 17inches of snow fell in amarillo. the storm is now blamed for the deaths of two people. one in a traffic accident in kansas. the other one, the roof of a home collapsed in oklahoma. the stakes are sky high as a civil trial agains in the bp oil spill in the gulf of mexico three years ago. today there were protesters demanding that bp pay up. 11 workers died, and crude oil spilled in the gulf for three months. a judge will decide if bp and other companies are guilty of gross negligence. a ruling against them could total billions of dollars. according to triple-a, the average price of gas dropped a fraction of a cent on friday. analysts say we shouldn't be surprised if prices creep higher again, as plans to ramp
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up for the more expensive gas formulation. state officials plan a hike in the gas tax tomorrow. the state board of equalization is looking at an increase as much as 3.5 cents a gallon. that money is used for road maintenance and other transportation projects. state law allows for the tax to go up when gas prices rise. in germany, u.s. secretary of state john kerry arrived for an international conference on syria. it is his first overseas mission in his new job. opposition leaders had threatened to boycott the session, but then agreed to attend. this comes as syria's foreign minister told russian officials that the assad regime is willing to meet with the opposition, and that is a first. in intermediaten, ikea has now been drawn into the european horse meat scandal. the company says it is withdrawalling its meatballs from stores in europe and asia. stores in the united states are not affected. new tests showed a batch of
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those meatballs contained horse meat. horse meat has turned up in many products labeled as beef, lamb, or pork. in china, kentucky fried chicken is trying to recover from its own scandal. saying they were using banned drugs to fatten up chicken. kfc says it is dropping those suppliers and will tighten quality controls. kfc is china's biggest fast food chain. one and dry. but is the pattern here to stay? i will tell you how long it could be before we see wet weather again. your complete bay area forecast is just minutes away. >> inundated with graffiti. even the church wasn't spared. the overnight tagging onslaught that has
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absolutely once in a lifetime. >> neighbors were dumbfounded when they gathered around the scene of an accident in houston. the driver flipped a curb, went airborne and landed on the roof of a second home. the driver walked away with hardly a scratch. it all happened about 2:00 a.m., police are looking into looking into whether alcohol was a factor. something called graffiti bombing has come to oakland, and the victims don't like it one bit. >> this is not art. this is pure vandalism. >> reporter: kevin carlos valentino says just as a party was wrapping up early saturday morning, he heard a commotion outside his apartment. >> by the time i came out, the crowd had already dispursed, but i noticed my entire building and the building next
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door was completely defaced with graffiti. >> reporter: three buildings were hit, causing thousands of dollars in damage. >> this is what you call no respect. >> it hurt. it brought tears to my eyes. >> this is not gang graffiti. this is a tagging crew that wants to bring a name to themselves. >> reporter: some believe the same crew is behind other kins of tagging nearby. >> in this community, if you get caught vandalizing someone's property, you're subject to become a victim of violence. we don't want this to happen. >> reporter: neighbors tell us, they're calling attention to this because they want it it to stop and want the folks responsible prosecuted. today marks the beginning of a new copyright alert system
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to curb peer to peer piracy on the internet. beginning today, internet service providers will be sending out warnings when piracy is detected. after six warnings, they may step up. as a last warning, they my throttle data transfer speeds, or require a review of educational materials on piracy. california's department of food and agriculture is trying to grow an interest in farming on a new themed license plate. more than 7500 people had to preorder. proceeds from the california agriculture plate will support ag education programs. san francisco has a new $90 million cruise ship terminal that will open for business as of tomorrow. the terminal is a two story facility at pier 27 that will also serve as the headquarters for the upcoming america's cup
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race. for now, the only boats that will saddle up for the terminal will be catamarans. still in the works here is a race village, an outdoor amphitheater, and plenty of landscaping. haven't seen rain in a while. but here's what it looks like on live stormtracker 2 a few thousand miles to the east. this storm is going to give you trouble if you're traveling to atlanta, into boston as well. the east storm is going to cause flight delays. out here, we've got this system to contend with, which is really nothing, because its energy goes this way. there's such a large ridge of high pressure that we are going too stay high and dry. that's just how it goes, right through tomorrow. you can check out the current wind conditions. no fog at the coast. might see a little fog hook up tonight. 3miles an hour in napa.
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another nice day tomorrow. rainfall percents of average, it's been a dry few months. down to 74 in san jose. the forecast highs tomorrow are going to look a lot like these. these were your highs today. 67 in santa rosa. a very unfebruary like 67 in santa rosa. the forecast as we go into tonight, frosty in some places. cool when you get going. warm tomorrow. that's how the forecast goes. not just for tuesday, but for your wednesday and thursday as well. we could see temperatures at one point during this week, you'll see in the five-day forecast, that could reach into the low 70s. friday looks like one of the warmest days of the week, this high pressure sets up. you see that temperature trend. there you go. let's enjoy it. it would be nice to get some rain, the long range models right now are pretty dry. i'm going to show you your five- day forecast that's pretty dry. the next five days look dry as well. here's tomorrow's forecast
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highs. 67 in napa. 63 in livermore. 65 in morgan hill. the five-day forecast, more of the same. it's glorious weather. beautiful, everybody is loving it. you probably remember this too. i remember water rationing in the '70s. i get a little sketchy when we're not getting rain in february. third dryest january on record. this february is working out to be pretty darn dry. march can be pretty wet. >> you've got me thinking about those days in the '70s. >> hopefully we'll get rain soon. thanks tic brain injury
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is as serious as any battlefield injury the memory loss dizziness nightmares thankfully, the va has made important advancements in tbi so if you think you or a veteran you know has sustained a brain injury get screened
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so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot,
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even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely... looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. nasa is crediting the mars rover curiosity. it has transferred a pinch of rock vest onto its onboard lab. scientists hope to analyze the pattern in the coming week. they're trying to determine if the environment is favorable
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for microbes and therefore some form of life. you don't see this very often. a tie in baseball. >> a typical early spring training day for the giants. white sox facing the giants in scottsdale. andres torres back in a giant uniform. this part of a three run giant 2nd. they got 6 runs in the 3rd. galesspy at the plate, driving one to left center, knocking in joaquin arias. giants have a 9-0 lead. but both teams call it a 9-9 tie. a vintage spring game for the a's as well. featuring some defense. tommy ramon on the mound for oakland. getting a nice play behind him.
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in the 4th, josh donaldson makes a nice snag at third. nice play, but this was not a defensive struggle, both teams lit it up in the later innings, cleveland winning 14-10. the san jose sharks are trying to turn things around after a 1-5 road trip. for one more game, without the service of ryan clowe. he will continue to serve out a two game suspension after the blackhawks andrew shaw made this hit. clowe came to the defense of his teammate. it was first ruled he was part of an illegal line change and would face a 10 game suspension. the change was ruled legal. he comes back 8 games sooner than he originally thought. >> obviously, when i went into that scrum, i didn't throw any punches. i don't sucker punch guys and i
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don't think i hit guys blind sided, or from behind intentionally. i've got a lot of fights back in my career and i've never been suspended. play the game physical, fight, pick up my teammates. if i'm going to go to your face, i'll let you know straight up if something's wrong. over the weekend, raiders defensive tackle desmond bryant proved that bad off-field things can had a even happen to guys who played for harvard. he was booked into the miami dade county jail yesterday on charges of criminal mischief. he joined the raiders in 2009. he had four sacks with the raiders last year. there was initial confusion when the news hit, sometimes troubled dallas receiver dez bryant began getting texts. he was quick to point out, no, this is a different bryant. >> a case of mistaken identity.
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>> not the best mug shot there. thank you. >> thank you for trusting ktvu, channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. >> the ktvu morning news begins
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